
Movie night #4. Documentary „The New Bauhaus. THE LIFE & LEGACY OF MOHOLY-NAGY”

Talks — events — courses
13.01.2021 / 19:00

We’ll continue with the film screenings as part of our audience engagement program of the exhibition “Mirroring Humans – Robert Capa and the Hungarian Masters: Brassaï, Kertész, Moholy-Nagy, Munkácsi”!

Alysa Nahmias’s documentary “The New Bauhaus” (2019) portrays László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946), a progressive artist, design and photo visionary from Hungary. He was a important figure in the Bauhaus school, whose innovative approach has influenced generations of artists, designers and photographers.

The film is in English.

Screening is FREE! It is possible to buy a discounted exhibition ticket (3 EUR) at the screening event.
Upon entry, we will check the Covid-19 pass. Wearing a mask is mandatory!
The screening of the film is supported by the US Embassy in Tallinn.

For visitors

Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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