

News, Exhibition
19.10.2022 - 15.01.2022

In 2022, the Association of Hungarian Photographers presents Instant History – The Oeuvre of Juhan Kuus in Mai Manó House. With works that captured the struggles and brutal violence of the conflicts in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s, Juhan Kuus, a South African documentary photographer of Estonian descent, attracted the attention of the press around the world. Another part of his work portrays the joys and sorrows of ordinary people, their daily lives and traditions, the relationship between humans and the land, the prevailing social norms and taboos. His images and photo features were extremely influential; they were able to inspire social and political action in the milieu they examined. Juhan Kuus’ work was regularly featured in Times, The Independent, The New York TimesParis Match and the Los Angeles Times. The comprehensive exhibition at Mai Manó House brings the world-famous photographer’s work to the Hungarian public for the first time.

Organized by the Association of Hungarian Photographers, Hungarian Month of Photography is one of the most extensive and richest event series of the Hungarian photography scene. Following the previous years’ exhibitions that showcased the oeuvres of such world-famous photographers as Weegee, Nobuyoshi Araki, Robert Doisneau and Margaret Watkins, the main show of the festival will again introduce the work of an exceptional photographer to the Hungarian public.

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Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.