
Hope — Childhood in Contemporary Estonian Documentary Photography

Uudis, Exhibition
02.06.2022 - 20.11.2022

To celebrate its fifth year of operation, the Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre will open the exhibition “Hope — Childhood in Contemporary Estonian Documentary Photography” on Child Protection Day on June 1. This is the second exhibition in the “Estonian Documentary Photographers” series organised by our Centre. With this series of exhibitions, we introduce documentary photographers operating in Estonia, following the principle that the authors involved have not been presented in the same format. In this way, we ensure that in addition to the thematic novelty, each exhibition has substantial freshness through the handwriting of the new authors.

The first exhibition of the same format was the centre’s inaugural in 2017, entitled “Periphery: From Kihnu to South Africa”. The exhibition “Hope – Childhood in Contemporary Estonian Documentary Photography” is compiled from the works of photographers who submitted their work to an open call in 2021 and the authors invited by the curators. The participating authors are Elika Hunt, Mairi Hüüdma, Elsa Hüüdma, Iris Kivisalu, Marlen Kärema, Maxim Mjödov, Liisa Kree, Heikki Leis, Annela Samuel, Aron Urb, Gabriela Urm, Reelika Vilt and Dmitry Yurchenko.

The exhibition curators are Kristel Aimee Laur and Toomas Järvet, co-founders of the Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre .

Fotode autor: Priit Siimon

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Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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