
Exhibition in London. Juhan Kuus — The Measure of Humanity

Välisriikides, Exhibition
20181016 - 20181026 / 10.00 — 18.00

In cooperation with 12 Star Gallery and Estonian Embassy in London we present for the fist time the works of Juhan Kuus in United Kingdom. “The Measure of Humanity” exhibition is a retrospective photo exhibition of a man with Estonian origin – the internationally recognized South African documentary photographer Juhan Kuus.

The exhibition gives a compact yet lucid overview of Juhan Kuus’s photographic career, in which the period of 1986 – 1999 plays the central role. During this period Juhan Kuus worked as a correspondent in South Africa for a French photo agency, Sipa Press. This period also shows his best work about the apartheid regime, the fight against the regime and the release of Nelson Mandela and his way to become the president of South Africa.

This exhibition is made possible thanks to the support of the Estonian Embassy in London, European Commission in the UK, IKKUN, Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre, Ministry of Culture and Art Museum of Estonia.

More info:
Eesti Saatkond Londonis
12 Star Gallery

For visitors

Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.