
The Touch. Small Photo, Big Story

Uudis, Exhibition
05.05.2023 - 13.08.2023

The exhibition “Touch. Small Photo, Big Story” is the first joint exhibition that tells essential, humorous, and sensitive photo stories through mini-photography. The show, offering surprising discoveries and unexpected perspectives, features 56 Estonian and European authors who present more than 200 works in mini-format.

The small format is common in photography thanks to various social media platforms and the cameras we carry daily on our mobile phones. However, larger forms are preferred in exhibition halls and galleries. There is even a familiar suggestion: enlarge the photo if it is not good enough. Or that since people are not used to digging deeper, they can be engaged with presenting works in large formats.

Curators were interested in the challenge of what photo stories photographers create in a small format and want to present to the audience and what kind of experience small images can evoke in the exhibition hall. One keyword is intimacy; you must look closely at the small photo to connect with the image. In addition, the use of frames is minimised in the exhibition, and all images are presented without glass to have a closer connection with the viewer. Each photo story is accompanied by the photographer’s text, which adds layers and creates a unique contact with the author and its subject(s).

The exhibition awaits the visitor with a number of hidden narratives waiting to be discovered, inviting guests to join us on a trip to encounter photographs that highlight the beauty of everyday moments or show the extraordinary nature of ordinary prose. Through the themes chosen for display, the exhibition sheds light on the rich human experience in the living environment around us, which can often be overlooked in a busy world. By immersing themselves in these visual narratives, visitors can assess the power of small-format photography to capture and share diverse stories.

We hope that by presenting the beauty and charm, but also the distress found in everyday moments, the exhibition inspires visitors to look for the seemingly ordinary moments of life worth capturing and encourages the use of technically not-so-perfect digital or analogue cameras, not to mention the camera applications of smart devices. After all, the limitations of low-tech cameras can catalyse creativity, forcing photographers to think creatively and experiment with different perspectives and techniques, which can often lead to surprising results.

Authors participating in the exhibition: Alina Birjuk, Anneli Ivaste, Anna Lehespalu, Anna-Liisa Kree, Annika Haas, Antti Yrjönen, Arnaud Lafeuillade, Dan Mikkin, Edgar Laksa, Egon Ligi, Eiliki Pukk, Elika Hunt, Eliize Hiiop, Elle Mets, Emily Roots, Erki Laur , Hanna-Liisa Vilu, Heikki Leis, Igor Šutov, Indrek Pleesi, Jaak Kikas, Jaan Minakov, Jyri Pitkänen, Kadri Kõusaar, Karlotta Lainväe, Karoliina Kreintaal, Kert Ülenõmm, Kertu Ojaveski, Kris Moor, Kirsti Naaber, Kudres Lääts, Lembe Aasorg , Lisbeth Mugame, Lucija Mrzljak, Ly Lestberg, Maike Levin, Mairi Hüdma, Masha Bakhtina, Mario Ansip, Marko Levin, Martin Murusalu, Maxim Mjödov, Merli Kaas, Päär Keedus, Peeter Langovits, Priit Loog, Raphaël Gianelli-Meriano, Reelika Vilt , Reet Sau, Tom Žuravljov, Toivo Tenno, Targo Miilimaa, Triin Karolin, Triin Kerge, Urmas Lange, Vitali Valtanen. We thank everyone who responded to the open call and sent their work.

Big thanks to our supporters: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Kohila Vineer, Taevas Ogilvy, Telliskivi Loomelinnak,  Tikkurila Eesti, Ajar Stuudiod, Hektor Container Hotell, Pakenditööstus

For visitors

Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.