

03.05.2019 - 01.06.2019

Through May we’ll present as part of our collaboration with Solaris Centre the works of Andrés Gallardo Albajar. His “Urban Geometry” is a visual interpretation of present architecture through the lens of a self taught photographer with no architectural background. It is an itinerant and ongoing project initiated over 4 years ago by Andrés Gallardo Albajar in Tallinn, Estonia, where he currently lives.

The goal of the project is to make a personal research or study about contemporary architecture and the way we interact nowadays with our cities. Through geometrical forms of all kind of architectural and urban elements such as buildings, lamp posts, squares or landscapes, “Urban Geometry” aims to reflect the urban life from a personal and artistic point of view. Some of the Keywords of «Urban Geometry» are angles, curves, intersections, lines, symmetry and also color.
Despite being on a continuous development stage, this ambitious project has already covered cities such as Seoul, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Beijing, Hamburg, Brussels, Helsinki, Tallinn, Vilnius, Alicante, Bremen, Milano, Mälmo, Prague.

The exhibition is open each Friday for 24 hours starting at 13.00.

For visitors

Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.