

Exhibition, Talks — events — courses
16.10.2020 - 17.10.2020

Vincent Tremeau, the author of the photo exhibition “One Day I will”, will make only two unique tours at the exhibition.

16.10, 17:00

17.10, 14:00

Mostly aged between 6 and 18 years old, the children featured at the exhibition have dressed up to show us who they want to be when they grow up, using costumes and props from their immediate surroundings. By tapping into each child’s vision for the future, we get a unique glimpse of their current circumstances and challenges.
Combining an artistic approach with a documentary purpose, the images highlight the crucial role of education for boys and girls in humanitarian crises, for securing their safety and future opportunities.
Tremeau who undertook several missions as a humanitarian worker in crises-affected countries has met the children in 13 countries around the world over the past 6 years. He will use this experience to take the visitors for a journey full of stories of courage, vulnerability, creativity as well as sadness and tragedy.
The tours are in English.
Admission with an exhibition ticket, which can be purchased in advance in the Fienta ticket broker.

For visitors

Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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