Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre has initiated one of the most significant shifts in Estonian (photo) art, refreshing and broadening the openness of our visual culture, which had been confined within small elitist circles. The centre has fostered vital connections among diverse artists and creative groups, building bridges between documentarians, photo artists, press photographers, and other art practitioners. Documentary Photo Centre consistently inspires and encourages us to see and establish new connections. Thank you for your invaluable contribution!
It is always a pleasure to step into the Documentary Photo Centre, where an enthusiastic team welcomes me in a cosy setting dedicated to maintaining a focus on documentary photography.
Kristel and Toomas enchant both creators and visitors alike with their vibrant energy. I value the centre’s broad approach to addressing diverse topics and its innovative use of artistic and technical solutions to present works. Over the years, I have gained all this and more from the Documentary Photo Centre, and I eagerly anticipate their upcoming projects.
The Documentary Photo Centre has become a mecca for art and photography and collaboration among artists, institutions, countries, and artistic expressions. It is led by dedicated individuals who make culture their ambition and art a necessity. It has transformed into more than just a place— a space of possibilities. It transcends individual ownership, belonging instead to a collective consciousness that something greater than ourselves will emerge from our combined efforts. The Documentary Photo Centre represents a human adventure and a journey of thought, continually inspiring all who engage with it.
New York in Tallinn
What do you say when a friend returns from Berlin and laments about Estonian culture, sighing, “We live in a remote, marginal country where the village store only stocks the bare necessities, and even those are scarce”?
Over time, I’ve crafted a heartfelt response to such feelings of disillusionment: “I’ve found the exact opposite to be true. When I seek a profound, vibrant experience from visual art, I head to Telliskivi Creative City, start my weekend at Fotografiska to take in all the exhibitions, and then unwind with a cup of tea and rest my eyes. After that, I take fifty steps across the square to the Juhan Kuus Documentary Centre. In their exhibition hall, I truly feel the wealth of our culture enveloping me; in those moments, I feel like a New Yorker.”
This richness doesn’t just happen. It is nurtured and sustained by Kristel and Toomas, the creators and caretakers of Documentary Photo Centre, who have dedicated the past seven years to enriching our cultural landscape.
Each exhibition is executed with a spirit. You can feel it immediately when you are in the centre. The entire atmosphere is thought out for each new exhibition, including minor details. Visiting some of your exhibitions has a therapeutic effect due to their poetic quality. Excellent explanatory texts accompany the pictures. The time spent with you is always incredibly eye-opening and significant. Thank you for bringing home excellent exhibitions and world names and enriching the viewer’s everyday life with them!
Every single exhibition by the Documentary Photo Centre manages to surprise both in content and quality. I adore the curators’ outside-the-box thinking, as all the exhibitions have managed to educate and touch emotionally, even though the space is small. The Documentary Photo Centre is much larger than its physical size! I don’t want to miss a single exhibition, as I know I miss something if I do! I usually see one exhibition more than once because I want to take my family and friends along, too, after first witnessing the exhibition by myself.
I can hardly imagine our art world without the Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre anymore; over seven years, it has become indispensable. I mean, I do walk past it as I walk down Telliskivi Street almost every day. But I never miss an exhibition.
Juhan Kuus photographed people; perhaps that’s why the centre named after him is human-scaled. The exhibitions are manageable; they don’t overwhelm with quantity but invigorate with quality. They leave room for deep reflection and engagement. I never leave this centre empty-handed; thoughts and feelings consistently linger longer than just the evening or day I spent viewing an exhibition. Please, do more!
The support and appreciation for photographic art at the Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre has been very dear to us, personally and professionally. We believe it has also inspired numerous other photographers and visual artists. The centre’s devotion, creativity, and high artistic standards make its presence felt beyond the confines of the Telliskivi area and Tallinn and extend its influence internationally. Its remarkable ability to connect diverse cultures and countries in a cultural dialogue is vital to Tallinn and Estonia. The Documentary Photo Centre is always a welcoming place to visit, offering a friendly and warm atmosphere.
The Documentary Photo Centre is a precious and practical initiative. It’s a delightful, educational, and unique experience — highly recommended!
Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre has contributed more to Estonian photography than all national museums combined—a bold statement, right? But it’s interesting how entities with abundant resources have achieved so little while those with fewer resources, like Documentary Photo Centre, have accomplished so much. The secret lies in their passion for photography, belief in its power, and total dedication to this art.
Documentary Photo Centre has allowed numerous emerging photographers to present their work globally. For these young artists, nothing is as crucial as receiving encouragement and the chance to have their work featured in a gallery. Despite the vast potential of Estonian photographers, major art institutions often focus only on a narrow selection of artists. Documentary Photo Centre commendably broadens this scope, showcasing diverse talents who might otherwise remain unseen. By doing so, it not only introduces fresh perspectives to Estonian photography but also educates audiences, enriches experiences, and enhances the overall cultural landscape of Estonia.”
Hea Dokfoto Keskuse külastaja!
Oleme tänulikud, kui jagad oma mõtteid ja kogemusi seoses Dokfoto Keskusega, mis annaksid jõudu nii meile, kui aitaksid otsustajatel näha ning mõista, et see, mida me siin teeme on oluline, läheb korda nii üksikisiku tasandil ja ehk mõjutab ka laiemalt kultuurimaastikul midagi.
Ootame Sinu kirja
toomas@dokfoto.ee ja/või kristel@dokfoto.ee
Südamest tänulikud,
Each visit to this small yet powerful photo centre has significantly broadened my worldview. The dedication, discerning taste, meticulousness, and passion of its creators, who personally share their discoveries during curator-led tours, substantially enrich Tallinn’s and Estonia’s cultural landscapes. Notably, the legacy of Juhan Kuus is preserved not just through a memorial plaque or online articles but through a vibrant living centre. It provides visitors with precious moments to reflect, understand, explore, admire, and marvel—celebrating the photographers who freeze time for us while offering a platform for documentary photographers to exhibit their work. This, I believe, is vital.
© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.