
The exhibitions, meetings, and discussions at the Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre offer immense value to photographers by broadening their horizons and inspiring them. In a world where everything is available, selecting what is important and bringing it into focus is crucial. Documentary Photo Centre excels in this, pushing photographers to recognize their global standing, a crucial step in boosting their confidence and motivating them to strive for excellence. All a photographer needs to do is show up and engage to be part of this vibrant community.

Liis Treimann

I have collaborated with Toomas and Kristel at the Documentary Photo Centre for many years on various projects, leading to numerous photo exhibitions across Tallinn and Estonia. The Centre stands as a pivotal hub for art and documentary photography in the Baltic Countries, with a profound and enduring commitment to the field.

On a personal note, my relationship with Toomas and Kristel has evolved into a genuine friendship. Their unique blend of positive energy makes tackling any challenging project feasible.

As a professional art photographer, I hope they continue to elevate their work, exhibitions, and publications with appropriate support from foundations, institutions and private funders in Estonia and internationally.

Luca Berti
Photo Artist

Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre has been instrumental in the evolution of Estonian photography, particularly in promoting photo-documentary. A decade or more ago, only a few photographers in Estonia were dedicated to long-term, in-depth documentary projects. Today, their numbers are growing, thanks in significant part to the efforts of the Documentary Photo Centre. From its inception, the centre has aimed to elevate the profile of documentary photography. It has not only introduced local audiences to internationally renowned artists but has also organised group exhibitions for Estonian photographers, fostering new and emerging voices in the field.

Marge Monko
Artist and Professor of the Photography Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts

Having observed the centre’s activities over its operating period, I am filled with tremendous gratitude for all they have accomplished with its modest means. The numerous excellent exhibitions and collaborative projects, inspiring meetings, and discussions.

The centre plays a vital role in the landscape of visual culture by valuing photographic heritage, introducing the works of both classic and young photographers, and developing international contacts. By enriching our memory through diverse reflections of life, the selected exhibitions, photos, and meetings highlight humane values, a positive attitude towards life, tolerance, and an intolerance of violence during challenging times.

Using the contemporary photo lab set up by Documentary Photo Centre also provides a unique opportunity. This lab helps rediscover the secrets of analogue photography in the digital age and creates new values in today’s context.

Peeter Langovits

Although photo-documentary has never been the primary focus of my attention, the activities at the Documentary Photo Centre have compelled me to reconsider many viewpoints and have inspired me from unexpected angles.

Peeter Laurits
Photo Artist

Documentary Photo Centre is an excellent creative entity with essential topics, a very professional and playful implementation, and a warm and supportive readiness for cooperation!

Priit Loog
Actor and Photographer

Coming from lunch at Telliskivi Creative City, I always look towards the Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre to see if a new exhibition has been set up. I often return to view the same exhibition a second time. You can’t walk past them without stopping!

Sandor Liive

It’s a pleasure to collaborate with Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre because they genuinely value the work and time of photographers, not treating documentary photography as merely an extravagant hobby—a perspective many documentarians, and indeed all travel photographers, frequently encounter.

Furthermore, the Documentary Photo Centre is one of the most stress-free places to visit, whether for an exhibition, a literary evening, or a meeting with a photographer, because it’s always okay to be yourself there.

Alongside dissecting current issues, I’m also pleased that the Documentary Photo Centre has maintained space for exploring other cultures through documentary photography without constantly seeking out problems and conflicts.

Silvia Pärmann
Travel Writer and Photographer
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