Assistance with Photo Art Acquisitions


Our gallerist is here to help

It all begins with a conversation about your purpose for seeking photo art—whether it’s to decorate a home or office, find a unique gift, or create and enhance your art collection.

We must understand your needs and preferences to offer you the best service.

Your style and our expertise

Our expertise in photography stems from long-standing collaborations with various photographers and our experience as exhibition organisers. Additionally, one of our curators is professionally trained and experienced in interior design.

We will assist you in selecting photo art, framing, and, if necessary, interior design. We collaborate with the most reliable and experienced service providers in the field.

The service is complimentary when selecting from the Documentary Photo Centre’s offerings. A service fee applies for the curator and interior designer services outside the Documentary Photo Centre.

For more information, please contact:

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© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.