
Facts and Figures

    • 24 extensive documentary photography exhibitions at the Documentary Photo Centre
    • 9 exhibitions across Estonia: Viljandi (2), Tartu (2), Narva, Paide, Haapsalu, Pärnu (2)
    • 5 outdoor exhibitions in different districts of Tallinn: Mustamäe, Õismäe, Northern Tallinn, Lasnamäe, Nõmme
    • 20 digital exhibitions on the screen of Solaris Centre’s Atrium
    • 12 cities: London, Budapest, New York, Paris, Tampere (2x), Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Sofia, Bucharest, Saint Petersburg, Tokyo
    • + supporting educational materials. The exhibition and materials are in Estonian and English.
    • have participated in Documentary Photo Centre’s Exhibitions
    • In 2023 French National Order of Knighthood of Arts and Letters (L’ordre des Arts et des Lettres) was presented to Kristel Laur, head of the Documentary Photo Centre
    • In 2018 for corporate branding of Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre


Dokfoto Keskus (the Centre for Documentary Photography) supports appreciation for and the development of documentary photography in Estonia as well as the showcasing of Estonian documentary photos around the world.

Our mission is to bring together photographers and other interested people who use documentary photography to tell and experience stories that inspire, enrich, include and change lives.

Strategic Goals

Dokfoto Keskus focuses on topics that have a strong impact on humankind and that develop the sphere of documentary photography.

A good documentary photo can make people see what’s going on in society, help them understand it better, increase empathy, encourage cooperation, bridge the gap between differences and motivate people to find solutions to challenges.

Juhan Kuus

Juhan Kuus is a world-renowned documentary photographer of Estonian origin who lived and worked in South Africa. Many of his works and photographic essays have touched people and encouraged them to take action. Kuus believed that documentary photography has an important role to play. When asked why he chose this field, he replied: “I hold up a mirror to society. I tell my compatriots: ‘This is you unrestrained; this is how I see you’.” Kuus hoped that his works might also inspire or influence people in Estonia to take up documentary photography as well as make them look for solutions to the problems depicted in the photos. He also wanted us to recognise and acknowledge what we look like as people, as recognition is the start of many things, including change.

After Kuus’ sudden death and because of his wish to have his personal photo archive preserved in Estonia, we established a fund to safeguard his legacy. Its public branch is called the Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskus.

Read more about Juhan Kuus www.juhankuus.org

Main Activities of the Centre

Exhibitions in Estonia and on the international market

Educational programmes and development activities:
— for professionals
— for amateurs

Photo projects initiated and carried out by the centre

Sale of documentary photos


Dokfoto Keskus values documentary photos that display a balance between stories about topics that are important to humankind and the individual creative ambitions of the photographer.

The centre develops documentary photography that supports progressive change, amplifies voices, promotes human dignity and gender equality, creates respect between people and breaks barriers to help understand and shine the spotlight on social justice.

It is important to the centre to reach different target groups and cooperate with them in creating and sharing the values of documentary photography.

Dokfoto Keskus works at the local, regional and international levels.

The centre is also involved in cooperation projects in different disciplines and forms of art so as to create new quality and better results.

The centre focuses separately on activities with Estonian documentary photographers and young people, as cooperation between professionals and the inclusion and education of young people support the development and appreciation of the field at the local and international levels.

Member of the Documentary Photography Club

Member of the Documentary Photography Club

We welcome both photographers and photography enthusiasts who love documentary photography. Documentary Photography Club helps to unite people interested in documentary photography, offering experiences and opportunities for meetings, trainings, lectures and socialization.

Why join?

– Free exhibition visits at the Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre, discount ticket for a companion;
– Discount tickets for exhibitions organized by the Documentary Photo Centre in cooperation with partners outside our Centre;
– Invitations to the openings of the Documentary Photo Centre exhibitions;
– Advance information and invitations to events organized by the Documentary Photo Centre;
– Free of charge or at discounted prices: trainings, seminars, workshops, audience programs, meetings with photographers / curators, film evenings and other events;
– You are our valued partner and supporter, from whom we might ask for advice in our activities.
– You help to influence and develop the field of Estonian documentary photography.

How to join?

Send us a letter (klubi@dokfoto.ee) with a wish to become a Member of the Documentary Photo Centre Club.

Add to letter:
* your first and last name
* connection or interest in photography or documentary photography

Membership will be activated when the member’s annual fee  25 €) is received. Please transfer 20 € to the current account of MTÜ Juhan Kuusi Fond: EE852200221064227459 Swedbank.

Write as the explanation: CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEE. If your membership fee is paid by the company, we will issue an invoice if needed.

A Member of the Documentary Photo Centre is asked to be prepared to present an identity card at the ticket sales counter.


Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have ideas you would like to implement with Dokfoto Keskus.

We also welcome pro-active people who are prepared to think about and help us develop and carry out our activities.


+372 522 2422

Support the Documentary Photo Centre

It takes a village to develop and sustain the Documentary Photo Centre

If you feel compelled to support our goals and mission, please contact us, and we’ll find a solution that best fits you or your organization.

The Juhan Kuus Foundation seeks support to implement various educational programs at the Documentary Photo Centre for professionals, enthusiasts, and photography lovers alike. We also need help preparing for the Centre’s photography projects and exhibitions and caring for and promoting the Juhan Kuus archive and his work in Estonia and abroad.

Since 2022, we have been listed as a non-profit organization eligible for income tax benefits. This means that donations made by our supporters are tax-deductible to some extent, providing you with a unique opportunity to support a worthy cause while also benefiting from tax savings. More information can be found here.

Drop a fiver or become a regular supporter!

  • NPO Juhan Kuusi Fond, bank account number: EE852200221064227459, SWEDBANK
  • Do a good deed!
  • Contribute to the donation box located at the Documentary Photo Centre.
    We are happy to publish the names of donors in our annual report and on this website. Please let us know if a donor prefers not to disclose their name.

The Juhan Kuus Foundation is committed to adhering to good donation practices. We assure you that your contributions will be used responsibly and effectively to further our mission and support our programs.

More information can be found on the Hea Kodanik page.


Co-Director of Documentary Photo Centre, Curator, Designer, Co-Founder and Chairwoman of the Juhan Kuus Foundation NPO

+372 522 2422

Co-Director of Documentary Photo Centre, Curator, Marketer, Co-Founder and Member of the board of the Juhan Kuus Foundation NPO

+372 501 0777


Volunteer, Assistant


Volunteer, consultant, translator and editor




Telliskivi 60a/5, ground floor, Tallinn 10412

REGISTERED ADDRESS, use also for mail

Tuuleveski 24a, Tallinn 10618
Registrikood: 80398577
Swedbank EE852200221064227459





Co-Director of Documentary Photo Centre, Curator, Marketer, Co-Founder and Member of the board of the Juhan Kuus Foundation NPO

+372 501 0777

Co-Director of Documentary Photo Centre, Curator, Designer, Co-Founder and Chairwoman of the Juhan Kuus Foundation NPO

+372 522 2422

Volunteer, Assistant

Volunteer — consultant, translator and editor


Teised meist


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Otsime kolleege

Ootame aktiivseid kaasamõtlejaid ja tegutsejaid, kes aitavad arendada ja teostada keskuse tegevusi. Kui soovid Dokfoto Keskuse arendamise juures osaline olla, siis võta palun ühendust:



Telliskivi Loomelinnak
Ajar Stuudio
Container Hotel
Uus toetaja

Anneta ja toeta meid

On vaja tervet küla, et arendada ja hoida Dokfoto Keskust

Kui tunned, et soovid meie eesmärke ja missiooni toetada, siis võta meiega ühendust ja leiame just sellise lahendusi, mis Sulle kõige paremini sobib või kasuta meie tavapäraseid annetuskanaleid.

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© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.