
Outlook – 100 years of Estonian street photography now visible as an outdoor exhibition in Tallinn

Välinäitus, Uudis, Exhibition
21.06.2023 - 31.08.2023

In cooperation with the city of Tallinn, Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre will show an outdoor exhibition introducing the 100-year history of Estonian street photography in the open air of the Kristiine and Haabersti districts during the summer of 2023.

The exhibition, which has already been seen in Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, and our very own Viljandi, will finally reach the capital to offer photo exhibition experiences outside the city’s heart and enrich the city districts’ cultural calendar.

In the Kristiine district, in front of the Kullo interest centre, it is possible to experience the exhibition from June 21 to July 24. In the Haabersti district, at Õismäe tee 1, it is possible to see the works on display from July 25 to August 31.

The Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre, The Museum of Photography and the Estonian Street Photography NPO created the exhibition jointly. The exhibition is supported by the city of Tallinn.

Curators: Airi Leon, Kristel Aimee Laur, Tanel Verk, Toomas Järvet

For visitors

Telliskivi 60a/5, Ground Floor

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© Kõik autoriõigused kuuluvad Juhan Kuusi Dokfoto Keskusele ja lehel esindatud fotograafidele. Sellel lehel oleva info reprodutseerimine, säilitamine/salvestamine otsingusüsteemides või edasiandmine mistahes kujul või viisil: elektrooniliselt, mehaaniliselt, kopeeritult/paljundatult, salvestatult või teisiti, on keelatud autoriõiguse omaniku eelneva kirjaliku loata.